I am a researcher at Shahid Beheshti University (SBU) working with Dr. S.M.S. Movahed in Computational Cosmology Group (CCG) and Dr. G.R. Jafari in Center for Complex Networks and Social Data Science (CCNSD). I am interested in developing topological tools for Machine Learning (ML) uses. In particular, I utilize methods from Topological Data Analysis (TDA), an algebraic topology based tool, to extract hidden information of various kinds of datasets, e.g. time series, networks, point clouds, scalar fields and so on. My recent projects are focused on the application of Persistent Homology (PH) method on Complex Systems analysis, specifically, “Topology of Complex Networks”. In my researches, I develop new pipelines for analyzing datasets of various kind coming from simulations and real-world systems.
Projects at CCG
Hosein Masoomy @ CCNSD : Cancer Project
Research of Interests
Complex Systems:
- Statistical Physics: Percolation, Fractals, Collective Behavior
- Critical Phenomena: Self-Organized Criticality, Phase Transition
- Dynamical Systems: Nonlinear Dynamics, Bifurcation, Chaos Theory
Network Science:
- Network Structure: Network Topology and Geometry, Hypergraphs, Multilayer Networks, Spatial Networks, Temporal Networks, Visibility Graphs
- Network Dynamics: Dynamics of Networks, Dynamics on Networks, Coevolution, Higher-Order Interactions
Data Science:
- Time Series Analysis, Image Processing
- Topological Data Analysis (TDA) / Persistent Homology (PH)
- Machine Learning (ML)
You can find my publications on my Google Scholar.
- 2013 – 2017: Bachelor of Science in Physics, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran.
Thesis title: “Quantum Statistics of Complex Networks”
Supervisor: Dr. M.N. Najaļ¬
- 2017-2020: Master of Science in Physics, Complex Systems and Nonlinear Dynamics, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
Thesis title: “Complex Systems Analysis: Using Persistent Homology Technique”
Supervisors: Dr. S.M.S. Movahed and Dr. G.R. Jafari
Contact me
- Email: hoseingmasoomy@gmail.com
- ResearchGate: Hosein Masoomy
- LinkedIn: hoseingmasoomy
- GitHub: @hoseingmasoomy